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Construction Committee 030508
Library Construction Committee
Thursday, March 5, 2008
Town Hall

Present from the Library Construction Committee:  Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko

Absent: Chris Rogers

Present from Daedalus: John Christiansen.

Present from Lerner Ladds + Bartels: Aimee Lombardo, Drayton Fair.

Also present: Jonathan Keep (Main St.), Cia Ochsenbein (Main St.), Ann Hurd (Main St.)

Pam called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Mickie motioned to pay bills totaling $13,412.61 (Daedalus Projects, Inc. #2896-080217, $4,000; and Lerner Ladds + Bartels #04-0722, $9,412.61) Second: Bill, unanimous in favor.

Minutes from February 21, 2008 were approved (motion: Pam; second, Joel; unanimous in favor).

Bill suggested that the architects supply the committee with each presentation in advance of each meeting.  The committee agreed. Motion: Bill, second: John, unanimous in favor.

John Christiansen made the following announcements:
·       Meeting regarding “green discussions” will take place on 3/21 (daytime, TBA)
·       Wastewater treatment meeting will be held on Friday March 14 at 10 a.m.
·       Richard recommends proceeding w/consultant solicited by Drayton (Universal Environmental Consultants) (proposal attached in hard copy)
·       Interior design Drayton has contact Betsy at Lucas Stefura.  She is on board and ready to start.

Drayton and Aimee presented the latest drawings, which they said are based on their conversation with Pam, Roland, and Richard.  They showed 4 variations (attached in hard copy).

Jonathan Keep asked if the gable shown behind the 1903 building really needs to be there.  Drayton explained the difficulty of joining the buildings. Because the west eave has been dropped so far that it would be difficult and expensive to flash and build a connection, this gable was added.

Mickie asked what kind of stucco the architects have suggested.  Aimee explained that they would specify real stucco—that is, cement board, several layers of adhesives and lathes, followed by stucco.  Bill asked if architects can provide references for this material.  Aimee said yes, references are available for projects using stucco as well as for the product itself.  Again, she stressed that they’re not suggesting a substitute, but the real thing.

Jonathan Keep asked many questions about exterior materials, particularly about natural stone and stucco (“honest materials”) and his concerns over the use of cultured stone (“resembles McDonald’s”).  Drayton explained decisions the committee has made so far, and that natural stone is outside the project budget.

Further discussions and decisions:
High vs. low pavilion: low (consensus; no vote taken)
Skirt vs. no skirt:  no skirt (consensus; no vote taken)
Shingles vs. stucco: undecided (4 favor stucco, 4 favor shingles)

Joel motioned to approve going forward with a short pavilion, no skirt, and continuing investigating shingles vs. stucco on 2nd floor (second, Pam; majority in favor.)  

John Christiansen presented the latest budget (attached in hard copy).  The committee is trying to track changes from the grant application to the current budget figures and where it went, and how these decisions were made.  John C. had a question on the original funding application: $20K difference (section 3, financial; A: eligible and non eligible costs (unpaged) and section 3, Financial; D. Projected funding sources (p. 18).  This was the $20K grant from MBLC for schematic design, which has already been spent.

Next meeting will be March 20.  Roland noted that the agenda is full, and proposed starting at 7 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library